Printed Material

Information brochure aimed at the general public:

It explains the LIFE Posidonia project, the beneficial contribution of Posidonia fields, the threats fields face and a list of good practises recommended in order to avoid harming Posidonia.

Published by : Consellería de Medi Ambient (Local Ministry of the Environment).


VHS Video:

It depicts the main characteristics of Posidonia and reviews the historical uses it has been given, and explains the main endangering threats the plant suffers at present.

Duration: 20 minutes



Comic book:

“El Tresor de Posidó”, “El Tesoro de Posidón”. Comic book for children in which two boys accompanied by a turtle visit Posidonia fields at the bottom of the sea and observe the great variety of living beings that inhabit this ecosystem.

Published by: Consellería de Medi Ambient (Local Ministry of the Environment).